When i was in high school, i was really eager to take architect/product design/graphic design major. But then the fate twisted :p and took me to a majority that I had never understand before: International Relations. Back then, I didn’t know what International Relations is. I thought it was a majority that teach us how to speak english fluently, talk in a really polite way, and somehow become a diplomat. But now, I really love International Relations. I love history, i love economy (yea!), i love cultural studies, i love international law studies, even gender issues! Well, i also learn politics but i never really like it though :p. I never feel regret, even a little, for studying international relations.
Well, back to the main topic (i was talking about decorating rooms right? Haha).
However, my passion in decorating is never gone. Here in Jatinangor, I leave far away from parents and I have to stay alone in a room. I decorate my own room (since I cannot decorate others room). I wanna have a really cozy and comfortable room. I am trying to find a room that already painted in bright colors, something like white, pale yellow, light gray, etc. If I’m not mistaken, bright colors made our room looks bigger/wider. I also find a room that have enough ventilation and windows for a good circulation. And last, I don’t like small room. I have lot of things: bookshelf, bed, desk, , electric fan,, and don’t forget the all small things like frames, desk lamp, printer, and I even have a stove and rice cooker! That’s why I cannot rent a small room.
Anyway i just wanna stop this blabbers and show you my room (well that’s the point: i just wanna show you my room!). Here they are:

Well how about you, do you like decorating rooms? :)